Tuesday, March 30, 2010

CONS of wearable computers

As with the advantages with wearable computers, there are disadvantages as well. They are the following:

  • wearable computers are expensive

  • equipment can be heavy

  • side effects include headaches

  • invasion of privacy

  • consist of alot of wiring

  • companies must invest time and money in training employees

  • resource management; one user at a time

  • localized information

  • requires time to put on body, and wait for system to boot up




Monday, March 29, 2010

PROS of wearable computers

  • enhanced communication

  • convenience

  • work from anywhere

  • constancy

  • flexibilty

  • freedom

  • multitasking

  • makes tasks easier by increased efficiency

  • recognition of high alter areas e.airport

  • facilitates users needs

  • mobility, portability

  • hands-free use

  • quick to access

  • functional

  • fashionable

  • comfortable

  • enhances quality of life


Technological Replacements

The first diagram represents the relationship between a wearable computer and the human. In this case, the computing is not the primary task as the human can be doing other activities while on the computer, simultaneously at the same time.

The second diagram represents the traditional relationship between a regular, nonwearable computer with a human. This computing is based on the notion that computing is the primary task. The human provides the input and recieves the output while on the computer.
The wearable computer (WearComp) is more than just eyeglasses or a wrist-watch, it is designed to intertwine with its user. It replaces regular computers, with keyboards and mousepads. Also laptops, blackberries, PDAs, and ipod touch since WearComps are a combination of these devices. Users don't have to be sitting down at a desk, like I was now, to be on the computer, or be holding a handheld gadget while walking and checking emails. WearComps go a step further than PDAs and Blackberries in that they incooperate the entire body and movements for accessing the internet. The user actually wears the major components of the computer on them, appearing as if they're walking computers.


What are wearable computers?

Definition of Wearable Computer

Computing that comprises of a new form of human-computer relationship and interaction involving user to wear computer. This device is always on, and ready to use characterizing a new form of synergy between computers and humans.

What is a wearable computer?

Wearable computers are an emerging technology in management information systems. They are designed for the person/user to wear their computer mouse or device on their body. These computers are useful applications in circumstances where the user does not have to use their hands, eyes, or arms.

This type of computer is projected into the personal space of the user, and controlled by the user. Wearable computers are constantly turned on, consisting of a battery carried on a belt or jacket.
According to Steve Mann, wearable computers have six attributes:
  • controllable by user
  • observable by user
  • unrestrictive to user
  • unmonopolizing of user's attention
  • communicative to others
  • attentive to environment
A wearable computer design features a motherboard worn on clothing with other components placed in different areas according to the user. It forms a new interaction between human and the computer. Wearable computers are defined as three basic modes of operation: constancy, running continously, argumenation, and mediation. Wearble computers are different from laptops, or blackberries. The environment becomes dynamic, the user is mobile. Wearable computers provide multi-services and multi-tasking for the user.

For example, the Eyetap is a wearable computer that uses eyes as a camera and digital display. Eyetap gathers and changes light that enters eyes into data by using a mirror mounted in front of eyes. The data is processed through a computer worn on body.

Wearable computers are different from desktops and laptops, you can have all that information on you at all times. These computers have been seen in movies like Mission Impossible where a spy applied the latest advanced technology to gain information. Military officers often use these computers in their daily routines.
